Why we make a difference

Healthwatch Nottingham and Nottinghamshire is your local health and social care champion. We listen to what you tell us about your experience, what needs to be improved and what you want for the future. 

We're independent, so people trust us to say what they think. People tell us about both National Health Service (NHS) and social care services, giving us a unique understanding of what's happening. 

Tell us your experience

Reaching out to our local community

We strive to make sure we hear from as wide a range of our diverse community as possible. We want to tell the people who make decisions and change things about the experiences everyone has with health and care services. 

We understand that factors such as culture, location, wealth, education, environment and discrimination can lead to worse health outcomes, and we support the strong consensus that this must change. At Healthwatch, we stand ready to help by doing more to amplify the voices of communities that go unheard and reduce the barriers they face. 

Our Impact 

Healthwatch Nottingham and Nottinghamshire act as a bridge between the public and service providers. By collecting feedback from individuals using health services like GP surgeries, hospitals, care homes, and mental health services, we ensure that decision-makers in the NHS and social care system understand the needs and concerns of the local people.

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NHS Complaints Survey

We found 70% of survey respondents expressed dissatisfaction with NHS care, yet only one-third formally submitted complaints. Hospitals, mental health services, and general practitioners were the most common areas of concern. The report calls for greater visibility of the complaints process, proactive support from NHS staff, clearer communication, and a "No Wrong Door" approach, ensuring complaints are directed to the correct service even if they involve multiple departments.

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