Our Board

Our Board works to ensure that we are fulfilling our legal and statutory obligations. You can find out more about our Board members below. 

Our Chair, Sarah Collis

Sarah is former CEO of Self Help UK and an active advocate for building effective partnership working across voluntary, statutory and private sectors.
Sarah has been involved with Healthwatch in the local area for over half a decade, as part of the Healthwatch Engagement and Liaison Partnership which helped to establish Healthwatch Nottingham.

Our Board

Dave Brennan – Trustee

Dave has significant experience working in urban renewal in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the country. He has been CEO of several high profile regeneration programmes and 'not-for-profit' companies, redeveloping places and local communities.

Karla Capstick – Trustee

Karla is an experienced strategic, operational, and commissioning Director with a career spanning local government, community and public health, education, and the voluntary community sector. Karla has worked in early years, prevention, early intervention, and children's services for over 20 years. Karla advocates for child and parental voice in co-production and has significant experience in complex multi- partnership programmes and services.

Obai Kurd Ali – Trustee

Obai is a Legal Officer at the Syrian Legal Development Programme, specialising in strengthening civil society organisations and their strategic engagement with UN human rights mechanisms. A human rights defender and peace-building activist since 2011, he conducts legal analyses on human rights issues under international law. Obai was awarded the 2020-2021 Chevening Scholarship and co-instructs the “Introduction to International Law” course at the Syrian Initiative to Combat Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, hosted by the American University, Washington College of Law. With a strong background in peacebuilding and community engagement, he has leadership skills and excels in facilitating collaboration. He holds an LL.M from SOAS University of London.

Deborah Wilson – Trustee

Deborah is passionate about patient, public and community involvement in health and social care. Deborah has worked in community engagement and partnership development roles in Nottingham City, in Public Health in North Nottinghamshire and is currently working as a Patient Public Involvement and Engagement with East Midlands Academic Health Science Network.

Past Board papers

We make the papers for our public Board meetings available online. We also publish a summary of what was discussed. Check out our past meetings to read more.

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