1. Choose the area of care you would like to tell us about? GP services Dentist Pharmacies Hospital inpatient (day treatment or overnight) Hospital outpatients' appointments Mental health support (for adults, children or young people) Social care ( eg care homes, and home care) Accident and emergency (A&E) /Mminor Iinjury Uunits/ Urgent Treatment Centre's Ambulances and paramedics NHS 111 Other issue/service (if other, please tell us which issue/service you are referring to) Please select the options that you'd like to talk to us about. You can pick more than one. Please tell us about you experience If other, please tell us which issue/service you are referring to 2. Please tell us about you experience What went well? What could have been better? 3. Does your feedback apply to a specific service? If so, please tell us which ones(s). eg. the GP surgery name or hospital department 4. How easy was it to access the help and support you needed? Very good Good Neither good nor bad Poor Very poor N/A 5. How would you describe your experience of care? Good Neither good nor bad Poor I had a mixed experience Don't know/not sure Not applicable 6. In relation to this experience please select what best describes you I’m the person who received the care I’m providing this feedback on behalf of a friend or relative, or because I’m their carer Other If you are sharing information on behalf of another person, make sure that you have their permission to do so, or the information you do share should be anonymous.) 7. Please tell us where this experience took place - Select -RushcliffeOutside of NottinghamshireNottinghamshireBoth city and countyAshfieldNewark & SherwoodBassetlawNottingham CityBroxtoweMansfieldGedling Please leave your email/ contact number if you want us to get back to you about your feedback Title Title - None -MissMsMrMrsDrOther… Enter other… First Middle Last Email Contact Number It would really help to know a little more about you so that we can better understand how people's experiences may differ. These questions are completely voluntary.This helps us to help us understand how different groups experience local health and social care services and supports our focus on improving equality, diversity and inclusion. It also helps us identify trends and gaps in our information gathering, enabling us to be more inclusive. 8. Please tell us your gender 8. Please tell us your gender - None -WomanManNon-binaryPrefer not to sayPrefer to self-describePrefer to self-describe Enter other… 9. Please tell us your age - None -0 to 12 years13 to 15 years16 to 17 years18 to 24 years25 to 49 years50 to 64 years65 to 79 years80+ yearsPrefer not to say 10. Please tell us which sexual orientation you identify with 10. Please tell us which sexual orientation you identify with - None -AsexualBisexualGay manHeterosexual / StraightLesbian / Gay womanPansexualPrefer not to sayPrefer to self-describe Enter other… 11. Please select your ethnicity 11. Please select your ethnicity Any other ethnic groupArabAsian / Asian British: BangladeshiAsian / Asian British: ChineseAsian / Asian British: IndianAsian / Asian British: PakistaniAsian / Asian British: Any other Asian / Asian British backgroundBlack / Black British: AfricanBlack / Black British: CaribbeanBlack / Black British: Any other Black / Black British backgroundMixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Asian and WhiteMixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Black African and WhiteMixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Black Caribbean and WhiteMixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups backgroundWhite: British / English / Northern Irish / Scottish / WelshWhite: IrishWhite: Gypsy, Traveller or Irish TravellerWhite: RomaWhite: Any other White backgroundPrefer not to sayAny other ethnic group Enter other… 12. Please select any of the following that apply to you I have a disability I have a long term condition I am a carer None of the above I prefer not to say Please select I am happy to be contacted by Healthwatch (HWNN) to discuss whether my story could be a case study for a campaign or to be passed onto the media. I don't want to be contact by Healthwatch (HWNN) about being a case study for a campaign or for the media. CAPTCHA Math question 17 + 2 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Submit Leave this field blank