Give feedback on your local Healthwatch!

We endeavour to be the best we can be for our local area – but we need your help to do this. We are asking for your experiences of engaging with us (both positive and negative) and your expectations, to continue to shape and improve the work we do.
To share your feedback about Healthwatch Nottingham & Nottinghamshire , please take 3 minutes to fill out this short questionnaire.
We are independent of all service commissioners and providers and are in place to engage with local people, communities and neighbourhoods. We listen to your views, feedback and experiences of using local health and social care services, working to reduce inequalities and barriers. Listening to those who have firsthand experience lets us gather and share valuable insight to drive improvements.
We do this by undertaking a range of engagement and outreach activities, from events across the City and County, to attending existing support groups and networks, running focus groups, and visiting services to see them in action (the latter is called Enter and View).
Sharing your thoughts about your experience of Healthwatch Nottingham and Nottinghamshire will help us understand what we’re doing well and how we can be more effective in the future.